After 36 years in public education, I will retire on June 30, 2025. Serving as the Superintendent of Nevis Public Schools has been the highlight of my career. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to work alongside dedicated teachers, support staff, and an amazing community that always puts students first. Nevis Public Schools has a tremendous reputation for excellence. I am grateful for whatever contributions I have made to be a part of such a strong team.
Nevis is a special place where education, athletics, and activities thrive because of the unwavering support of our families and community members. Over the past three years, I have been open with the school board about my retirement plans, and they have encouraged me to help shape the future of our district by focusing on our educational facilities before I retire. This work will culminate in an important decision at the polls in April, ensuring that our schools continue to serve students well into the future.
Although I am stepping away, I am confident that the strong foundation we have built together will allow the next superintendent to continue moving Nevis Public Schools forward. Thank you for your support, your commitment to our students, and for making every day a great day to be a Tiger!
Superintendent Gregg Parks